On  8.09.04, Herbert Voss wrote:
> Roland Schmitz wrote:
> >Am Dienstag, 7. September 2004 11:49 schrieb Roland Schmitz:
> >
> >>How do i redefine the pagebreak to do a double pagebreak?
> at least it should be
> \let\oldbreak=\pagebreak%
> \renewcommand{\pagebreak}{%
>    \oldbreak%
>    \null\oldbreak%
> }
> but how do you want to use the macro \pagebreak?

The idea is to redefine the internal pagebreak command, so that every
automatic (as well as manual) pagebreak produces an empty page as well.

However, as Roland prints 4 pages on a sheet of paper, another idea would be
to change this script to have 2 pages on a sheet with lots of whitespace. A
look at the dvips or the psnups man pages might help here...


G.Milde web.de

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