Johann Haarhoff wrote:
how can i automaticly limit a table to be max. as wide as the Page.
If the
content in the
colums need's more space, it should be a "multi line" colum(s).
I see Herbert says that this is not possible with the standard LyX
tabular menu, but I have found a workaround that works rather well.
Suppose you have a table with three columns, and all three should be
multi-line and the same width.
Create your table: Insert->tabular material (3x3 for this example)
Then right click on the first column, this brings up the Lyx: Edit
table dialog. There is a text box for Column Width. Set this to 33, and
the unit to line%. This column will now always stay at 1/3 the line
Repeat for columns 2 and 3.
Now you have a table that is as wide as the page, and the lines inside
will wrap if they are longer.
no, this table is 6\tabcolsep too wide ...