Aisha El Sherbiny wrote:
I just started using lyx and I really loved it. I am wondeing how can I use lyx to produce presentations? I mean some thing like powerpoint.
I recommend to use the LaTeX class "beamer" together with LyX. The beamer-package comes with some LyX-examples and a good documentation, that discusses LyX specials.
To start, you can download a presentation from me (in german, but you needn't to understand the text):
(Download all files. Copy the file beamer.layout to the LyX-folder "layout" and reconfigure LyX. The .sty-file adjusts the layout of the presentation. Copy it to a folder in your TeX-distribution and refresh its file database (texhash).)
regards Uwe
p.s. better use the lyx-user mailing list for such questions