Hi Uwe,
Thanks for you solution with the defining the box size, but it was not the exactly the thing i wanted. I wanted to create a box which would fit the equation only.
Your solution with a full box was working, but with the small box was not. That problem I dealt with was not to create the box and inside it to insert my equation, it was when i re-open the file, the equation was not in side the box. I do not know if it is a bug or not. When I looked at your document and i had found the option \boxed and that solve the problem.
Uwe StÃhr wrote:
Hannan Sadar wrote:
I had try to put a box on a formula to emphysise it and to add a Label so i could use the cross reference in th future. For this i done the following:
\fbox -> C - m -> C - enter.
Note - C stand for Control.
I added C - enter to be able to add a label for cross reference.
C-Enter switches to a multiline equation and these aren't allowed within normal boxes. You need a \parbox here.
on page 23, you can find an example of a framed labeled box. As I'm shure, that you aren't able to read german, I attached a small lyx-example.
regards Uwe
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\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} \fbox{$A=\int B\,\mathrm{d}x$}\label{eq:framed eq}\end{equation}
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\begin_inset Formula \begin{equation} A=\int B\,\mathrm{d}x\label{eq:framed label}\end{equation}
\begin_inset ERT status Open
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-- You would never know until you try and find out what you are capable off. By Jone Doe