Quoting Jan Smid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi,
> I am trying to get the nomencl.sty package to work.  I need to create a
> list 
> with the used abbreviatons, in a table and sorted by Name
> [ASCII art]
> Abbreviation   Unit   Description
> bla                 b       Blabla
> In the preamble I wrote:
> \usepackage{nomencl}
> \makeglossary

> Then, where the list should magically appear:
> \printglossary

making a glossary is not currently supported -a bug report filed already though.
However, it is possible to achieve manually though in three steps:

> The used abbrevations where described like this:
> \nomenclature{AHP}{afterhyperpolarisation}

looks ok thus far

You now need to 

1. export yourfile.lyx using pdflatex

2. run makeindex on the resulting yourfile.glo (created by make glossary)
wherever that resides. (I'm on a windows box so its in a temp dir)

makeindex  yourfile.glo -s nomencl.ist -o yourfile.gls

3. run pdflatex on yourfile.tex

It worked for me!

BTW Check out the documentation that comes with the nomencl package - it's very

Rob S

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