> >>When you fix the column width, each cell is set as a \parbox, so there is
> >> no need to use minipage. (see attachment) However, the resulting .ps is
> >> slightly different (extra vspace at the end of the second cell)...
> I don't see any \parbox in the latex export of the example, but
> \begin{tabular}{|m{5cm}|m{5cm}|c|c|c|}
> So this is *not* a way to create a \parbox without ERT.

Sorry, I did not mean this is a way to create parbox, it is created by the 
tabular enviroment. Namely, m{wd} is just vertically centered p{wd} which:
    " p{wd} - Produces a column which can be multiple lines, with each item
                 typeset in a parbox of width wd."
from: http://www.csit.fsu.edu/~mimi/tex/latex/ltx-68.html

My point was that if you specify the width of a column in a table, you can 
insert the same stuff as in parbox.

> In fact I began by patching a minipage by itself,
> and the widthcontrol problem drove me to add a table columnwidth.
> To conclude, it's not necessary to insert a minipage, unless you plan
> to format things in a way only allowed by minipage environment.

I agree, that you can do much more in the minipage...


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