>> Why does the explicit \pagestyle{empty} fix the problem when >>\thispagestyle{empty} was not sufficient by itself?
\thispagestyle{empty} *was* sufficient by itself, as your modified example shows. In fact we can forget all what was said about fancy stuff, svmono does not use at all fancyhdr package: the running headers and footers are coded in the class. So it's equivalent to remove header/footer formatting with a couple of \pagestyle{empty} \pagestyle{headings} commands, or to act locally with \thispagestyle{empty} The latter is clearly more appropriate for one page only. -- Jean-Pierre
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Shepard}} \title{Quantifying Environmental Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic} \maketitle \thispagestyle{empty} Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D. Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. 2404 SW 22 Street Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 U.S.A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] \null\vfill Copyright \copyright 2004 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in whole or in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews, or scholarly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methods now know or hereafter developed is forbidden. The use in this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similar terms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an expression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or for the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., provided that the appropriate fee is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, USA (Telephone (508) 750-8400), stating the ISBN number of the volume, the volume title, and the first and last page numbers of each chapter copied. The copyright owner's consent does not include copying for general distribution, promotion, new works, or resale. In these cases, specific written permission must first be obtained from the publisher. Typeset in Palatino by \LaTeX.\\ Printed in the United States of America.\\ \\ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1\\ \\ www.springer-ny.com\\ \\ Springer-Verlag~~New York Berlin Heidelberg\\ \emph{A member of Bertelsmann-Springer Science+Business Media GmbH} \chapter*{Preface} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Preface} % check the \pagestyle command solution %\pagestyle{empty} Formal requirements for the assessment of environmental impacts of development activities may have begun in the United States with the passage of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in 1969, but it now is found in more than 200 countries world-wide. The details vary, but the underlying goals of minimizing environmental degradation and improving environmental conditions are the same. In many countries, these national requirements are supplemented by additional requirements by states, provinces, counties, cities and other political divisions that are collectively called sub-national statutes and regulations. I am most familiar with the requirements at the national level in the United States as well as at the state and county levels in the western half of the country. However, books, other published reports and communications with peers amply document that problems caused by the subjective nature of environmental impact assessments are international in scope. This subjectivity can be quantified and treated with mathematical rigor by the application of advanced computational intelligence techniques. This approach will work equally well regardless of geographic location or political jurisdiction because it is responsive to variations in societal values, legal frameworks and regulatory agency practices. Trans-national organizations such as the European Union, World Bank and United Nations Environmental Program also set project environmental standards that must be met in addition to the standards set by local governments. It is important to emphatically make this disclaimer: in no way is this book to be taken as criticism of environmental impact assessment (EIA) laws, regulations, practitioners or theorists. Such criticism would be neither warranted nor justified. Identifying subjective aspects is not criticism. Such identification forms the basis for understanding this book and benefiting from its content. This book has three objectives: \begin{enumerate} \item To document how environmental impact assessments have been conducted and to explain when and why contention develops. The book stresses that environmental assessments (whether of impacts or of existing conditions) are subjective expressions of societal, group and individual values and opinions. As such, they are not objective or measurable. Science, particularly ecology and environmental science, has difficulties dealing with such {}``non-scientific'' concepts as feelings, beliefs and values.\\ \\ The specifics of the EIA process vary with the controlling jurisdiction; there is no attempt to describe all the variations and subtle differences because this is not a book to teach the theory and detailed practice of environmental impact assessments as implemented world-wide. However, specific points will be based on my experiences as well as what others have experienced and described in the published literature.\\ \item The first objective established two important points: EIAs are subjective and the methods created over the years do not effectively handle the subjectivity. We speak and write using terms that cannot be measured. Concepts such as \emph{Significan}t, \emph{Distant}, \emph{Acceptable} and others are understood by everyone -- but we each may have a different definition of these terms. Almost all environmental regulatory processes depend on such imprecise, vague, inherently uncertain terms. Commercial development may be prohibited on steep slopes, but how is steep defined? It is almost always an arbitrary, crisp value; for example, 20 percent. This does not mean that a slope of 19.5 percent is not steep, but it means that there is no sharp threshold that separates steep from not steep. Fortunately, fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning (among other computational intelligence methods) handle the subjectivity effectively and with mathematical rigor. Therefore, the second objective is to justify the use of fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning to provide decision makers with the ability to make informed decisions; ones that are technically sound and legally defensible. I do this by describing core issues of an environmental impact assessment in terms of fuzzy modeling and other computational intelligence techniques.\\ \\ \thispagestyle{empty} The concept of fuzzy sets was developed explicitly to address the inherent imprecision of everyday language which we all use to express ideas that cannot be measured. Fuzzy logic is the mathematics that permit rigorous operations on fuzzy sets to arrive at a outcome that is meaningful and can be explained. Approximate reasoning is the computer modeling of how humans make decisions (IF this THEN do that) when all the input data are subjective and not directly measurable. Other advanced techniques of artificial intelligence (AI) (including expert systems, decision support systems and data mining using neural networks and evolutionary algorithms) also can be effectively and productively applied to addressing the underlying purposes of environmental impact assessments.\\ \item The third objective is to illustrate the use of computational intelligence techniques presented in objective 2 for environmental impact assessment. This example creates an approximate reasoning model applied to a project completed the traditional way under Washington state laws and regulations. While the example is based on a real industrial development proposal, the original environmental impact assessment was not developed with computational techniques. Therefore, the example has been adapted to demonstrate the application of these tools by adding missing information and deleting some components to make the example a reasonable size. \end{enumerate} \thispagestyle{empty} \section*{Acknowledgments} Among all the people whose efforts have brought me to the level of understanding and experience that allows me to write knowledgeably about environmental impact assessments and fuzzy system models a handful stand out of the crowd. Earl Cox introduced me to fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic with the first edition of his {}``The Fuzzy System Handbook'' a decade ago. Since then his friendship and insight have been critical to my education in this field and the subtleties of writing software that function to compute fuzzy system models with parallel rule firing and the ability to solve problems otherwise intractable. Three other friends and professional colleagues deserve public thanks for the highly productive conversations we have had over the years on environmental issues and running natural resource industries. These friends, Johathon Brown, Paul Scheidig and Ivan Urnovitz -- as well as Earl Cox -- manfully read through drafts of the book and let me know at what sections their eyes started to glaze over. Their suggestions for elucidation and clarity make this book a much better work. My editor at Springer-Verlag, Janet Slobodian, has been a great guide into the world of book publishing; a world much different from that of peer-reviewed scientific or trade journal publishing. Despite the best efforts of all these outstanding people, any errors or mistakes that remain are mine alone. August 2004\\ Troutdale, Oregon % \begin{table} \begin{center}Mathematical symbols used in fuzzy logic (from \citep{Cox99})\end{center} \begin{center}\begin{tabular}{cl} \hline Symbol& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Meaning}\tabularnewline \hline \hline $\neg$& set NOT (also complement or inversion)\tabularnewline \hline $\cap$& set AND (also intersection operator)\tabularnewline \hline $\cup$& set OR (also union operator)\tabularnewline \hline $\aleph$& higher dimensional fuzzy space\tabularnewline \hline {[}x,x,x{]}& fuzzy membership value\tabularnewline \hline $\in$& member of a set; within\tabularnewline \hline poss(x)& the possibility of event x\tabularnewline \hline prob(x)& the probability of event x\tabularnewline \hline \{x\}& crisp, or Boolean, membership function\tabularnewline \hline $\bullet$& dyadic operator\tabularnewline \hline $\xi(x)$& expected value of a fuzzy region\tabularnewline \hline $\mu$& fuzzy membership function\tabularnewline \hline $\propto$& proportionality\tabularnewline \hline $\mu(x)$& membership, or truth, function in fuzzy set\tabularnewline \hline $\Re$& element from domain of fuzzy set\tabularnewline \hline $\otimes$& Cartesian product or space\tabularnewline \hline $\oslash$& empty, or null, set\tabularnewline \hline $\supset$& implication\tabularnewline \hline $\wedge$& logical AND\tabularnewline \hline $\vee$& logical OR\tabularnewline \hline $\Sigma$& summation\tabularnewline \hline \end{tabular}\end{center} \end{table} \frontmatter % check the \pagestyle command solution \pagestyle{headings} \pagenumbering{roman} \setcounter{page}{1} \tableofcontents{} \mainmatter %% book here \end{document}