Fred Nastos wrote:

Is it possible to switch between the font families on-the-fly, or
do I need to always use Layout->Character->Family?
I would like to be able to switch between Roman and Typewriter
font families.

You need to use layout->character, AFAIK.

My solution for speeding this up, is to leave the layout->character
dialog open (never hit the "ok" button) In the dialog, typewriter
is selected all the time.  Then I write everything
in roman, and select stuff I want in typewriter and hit "apply"
so it changes to typewriter without removing the dialog.
Don't let the main lyx window take up the entire screen, leave enough
room to see the layout->character dialog at the same time.

This way I never have to make changes in the dialog, just mark
and hit apply as needed.  It is reasonably fast, although marking
up with emphasize (ctrl+e) is faster.  If this is the _only_ markup
you do - and you do lots of it - consider using emphasize instead
and use tex to redefine \emph to invoke the typewriter font.

Helge Hafting

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