Hello, > > actually I do have numerous hyphenation mistakes - caused by the automatic > > tex algorithm - in my german-lyx-document. > > THis is a strong indication that you don\'t have German hyphenation > patterns loaded. Although TeX in not perfect in this area, it almost is. > > Are you sure you mentioned \"german\" at some suitable place (like > language setting) in you document?
Yes the language is set to \"german\" in the document setting. I also tried a \\usepackage[ngerman]{babel} in the preamble with no diffrence. I do have a set of problems: first \"political corrected\" person- definitions: eg. instead of \"Probanden\" -> \"ProbandInnen\" This is a common method to change male-\"endings\" of a word into a \"plural-femal\" version... -> I have manually set the hyphenation points for these words as TeX tried to break them at \"ProbandInn-en\" which sounds really awful ;-) (especially as this would also cause new \"political correctness\" issues... The other problem concerns breaking up small words like \"also\": while it might be logically correct -> it is not a good way to break something like \" bla bla (also bla bla).\" into \"bla bla (al- *newline* so bla bla). Is there a way to stop hypenathion for those small words? And what about all names and surnames? Its a mess to see \"Pe-ter\" instead of \"Peter\" ;-) Do i really have to add all this stuff into the preamble? Isn\'t there an easier way to do this?? Especially as I do have a \"master\" document with front-,main- and backmatter as \"inculdes\" of other lyx-files -> it is no good way alway to switch back to the \"master\" document to open its Document settings, scroll down to Preamble and so on... It would be more easy to paste all these special hyphenations into a stupid textfile... And wouldn\'t this be a nice idea to exchange those files for re-usage? Again: HOW are you solving those problems inside of Lyx? Always adding hyphenations to the preamble??? Have I missed something? Thanks!