Hi, Lyxers!

(i'm new to this list, but have been using lyx for several years now.)

i have a problem which i'm hoping someone can help me solve:

i recently went through one of my docs and added a bunch of index 
entries. That all works fine and good. However, when i insert the INDEX 
down at the bottom of the doc, i can no longer export it. i get an 
error message saying something like "an error has occurred. Please fix 
it and try again." Removing the INDEX fixes it. :/

The lyx file, in case anyone's interesting in looking at it, is here:


To reproduce the error simply open that file, add an INDEX tag at the 
bottom, and try to export to (e.g.) PDF.

i'm using lyx 1.3.2 on this box, and have the same problem on my home 
box (forgot the lyx version number - whatever ships with suse 9.1).

Curiously, exporting the doc using the 'lyxport' tool "mostly" works: 
the doc is converted/export but the index is simply missing. Lyxport, 
for those who don't know it, is a great tool for mass-converting lyx 
files: http://www-hep.colorado.edu/~fperez/lyxport

i suspect i'm just mis-using the index feature, and i'm hoping someone 
can point me along the right path.

Many thanks in advance for any tips,

----- [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://s11n.net
"...pleasure is a grace and is not obedient to the commands
of the will." -- Alan W. Watts

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