On Fri, 28 May 2004, Paul A. Rubin wrote:

> Yesterday (27 May) I tried to edit the InstantPreview page on the Wiki. 
>   No problem downloading the page, and I could preview my changes once, 
> but when I tried to commit the changes (or refine them and do a second 
> preview) the browser hung.  Tried again today, and this time the browser 
> hung on the first preview.  This occurred with both Mozilla and (at 
> least yesterday) with Internet Explorer.
> Has anyone else had this happen, or is it simply further proof that I am 
> accursed?

No, it has happened to me as well under some strange/unknown
circumstances. For instance, I had this problem from at home until I
upgraded the version of the wiki engine and then it disappeared.  If
you're having the same problems as I did, then you should be able to edit
a page that has very little content. When I tried to track this down, it
seemed like something stopped working when the size of the data that is
posted gets to big.  It beats me why this only happens when you save a
page, but not while you do a preview...

So, could you try and see if you can edit for instance:


which has very little content. Then maybe you could try and see if you can 
edit a page with a lot of content at a different site, i.e.


Maybe I/we can figure out what is going on if I get some more data on this 


Christian Ridderström                           http://www.md.kth.se/~chr

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