On Sat, 22 May 2004, Dave Jarvis wrote:

> I can't think of the technical term for what I'd like to do, so I'll
> provide an example.  Imagine the following paragraph:


  Unless I misunderstand you, the term you seek is "find and replace".

> I want to change the words "card game" to "board game" everywhere, just
> by changing one instance.  Does LyX support this natively? do I have to
> insert some TeX? is it even possible?

  Mosey over to the "Edit" menu and you'll find it there. If you want to be
super cool, just press ctrl-f to open the dialog box. After entering the
terms you want to change (e.g., "card" to "board") click the widget that is
labeled "Replace all".

  You might want to look at all the menus, the tutorial and the user guide
to more quickly become familiar with LyX features and capabilities.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

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