Are you talking about horizontal or vertical size?
If horizontal, you can adjust the width of each column in "Table settings" of 
the dialog you get when right-clicking on the table.

If vertical, "longtable" is what are you looking for. (it is an extra tab in 
the same dialog). It splits the table in several pages. However, it can not 
be used as a float, as floats on many pages does not make much sense.

I hope it helps,


On Monday 17 May 2004 10:28, Harold Mouras wrote:
> Dear LyX users,
> when I insert in my Lyx document a float table, if the content of the
> cells of the table is too big, it makes in the output an extralarge table,
> which is too long for the output.
> What is the best solution to give a table the same size as the text?
> THanks in advance,
> Harold

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