
I'm making a layout for my reports (IPIMAR reports) but I'm having
trouble with a style (ComputerCode). I can see the doc classe in the lyx
gui but the style I've hadded does not show.

Looking to other layouts and the lyx documentation I don't see why this
is happening so I'd like some help please.



#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[article]{IPIMAR Report}
# Article textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code

# Input general definitions
Input stdclass.inc

# There are no chapters in an article.
NoStyle Chapter
NoStyle Chapter*

MaxCounter              Counter_Section
SecNumDepth             3
TocDepth                3

# Computer code style
Style ComputerCode
  Margin                Static
  LatexType     Paragraph
  LatexName     dummy
  NextNoIdent   1
  ParSkip               0.4
  TopSep                0.5
  BottomSep             0.5
  ParSep                0
  LeftMargin    MMM
  RightMargin   MMM
  Align                 Left
  LabelType     No_Label
  FreeSpacing   1
  Spacing               other 0.8
        Family  Typewriter
        Size    Small
        Color   red

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