On Sun, 11 Apr 2004, Mathieu Richaud wrote:

> 1) put 2 figures side by side? I am writing a proposal and I am limited
> by the number of pages I can send... Thus, I would like to have figures
> side by side. How it looks is important but space is even more!


  It's not good manners to force LyX to do anything. Rather, offer gentle
encouragement. :-)

  That's out of my system so, ...

  Where you want the figures, insert a minipage. Within that page you can
create two figure floats. Separate the two figure floats using an 'hfill',
accessible from the Insert -> Special character menu. The Layout ->
Paragraph alignment widget helps, too.

> Also, my caption is always larger than my figure so
> 2) how can tell Lyx to constrain the text body to the width of my
> figure?

  This may not be an issue with the two figures in a minipage. Each float
will be restricted in horizontal extent.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)

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