>4. Install Acrobat Reader on root path (may have to ignore install
>warnings if you already have it installed in program files â leave that
>copy there though!) Change folder path to remove any spaces. (My
>second copy is installed as C:\Adobe\Reader)
Don't do this! It doesn't matter in which path/folder it is installed. Two installations are one too much and could cause troubles.
I agree with this one. If you already have Acrobat Reader installed in C:\Program Files you could use something like the attached acroread.bat batch file to launch it. Just put it in a regularly name directory without spaces (like C:\Adobe or even where your LyxWin32 lives) and use it as the pdf viewer in LyX preferences.
Avoid to edit the configure.bat manually!!!
Actually I did have to edit the configure the configure.bat manually. The problem is when LyX and user's %HOME%/.lyx do not live on the same drive - Edit->Reconfigure fails from within LyX then. A minor change from %~p0 to %~dp0 everywhere in the batch file fixes that. I already posted this some time and was hoping Ruurd will consider this for future versions.
So the only remaining mystery for me is the usage errors from updated sed 4.0.9
@echo off rem Launcher for Acrobat Reader rem M. Komarcevic 2003
rem Place in a regularly named directory without spaces, rem e.g. C:\LyX or D:\Acro and use as PDF viewer in LyX preferences. rem Change the full path to AcroRd32.exe below if necessary. start "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" %1 exit
@echo off rem Configure script for Win32 rem calls msys sh.exe rem written by Ruurd Reitsma echo %0 SET PATH=%~dp0..\..\bin;%PATH% echo %PATH% %~dp0..\..\bin\sh.exe --login %0