I'm using the url.sty package (ver 1.5, 28-Mar-1999 by Donald Arseneau) and I have a question about it.
The package is wonderful for handling really long paths... eg:
\path{/Really/long/path/that/is/going/to/need/to/have/a/line/break/in/ it.txt}
If the path has spaces in it, however, they get obliterated... Is there a way to temporarily activate the obeyspaces option so that this doesn't happen? I considered putting this line in the preamble:
But LyX reports "Option clash" errors like the following when trying to export using pdflatex:
LaTeX Error: Option clash for package url. \usepackage [T1]{fontenc} The package url has already been loaded with options: [] There has now been an attempt to load it with options [obeyspaces] Adding the global options: ,obeyspaces to your \documentclass declaration may fix this. Try typing <return> to proceed.
The exact error message varies depending on where in the preamble I insert the line, but all of the error message talk about option clashes. I understand from reading this page <http://tex.loria.fr/ctan-doc/macros/latex/doc/html/usrguide/ node39.html#SECTION00071000000000000000> that there's no easy way to resolve this kind of clash.
So that's why I am asking if there's a way to temporarily activate obeyspaces only those very few paths which actually do contain spaces. Without knowing much about LaTeX I've tried lots of things with no success, include inserting \space, {\space}, SpecialChar ~, and others....
Anybody know how to get around this?
Best wishes, Greg