has anybody of you, preferebly other german OS 10.3.2 users, experience with lyx 1.3.3? I downloaded the self installing binary (lyx-1.3.3-4macos10.2_aqua.dmg) from Ronalds web-site.
The installation itself worked nicely and lyx runs, but I have a problem with the keyboard mapping. It's not compatible with a german keyboard. Most keys work - including some special charakters like ö,Ö or ä,Ä, but some don't, e.g. when i want to have a ":" i get an "Ö". I checked the preferences and tested all the available german keymaps under Preferences -> Look and Feel -> Keyboard without success.
Apart from that lyx 1.3.3 only installs with the englisch GUI, which doesn't really bother me - i was only a little surprised, because under Mac OS 10.2.8 lyx 1.3.3 installed with the german GUI.
Does anyone know, how to solve this keyboard problem?
Thanks in advance,
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