On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Angus Leeming wrote:

AL> default in what sense? IMO, the only difference between the two
AL> frontends in that
AL> $ ./configure
AL> will build the xforms frontend. In all other respects, they are /
AL> should be equal.

That is what I mean by default.

AL> Incidentally, in 1.4 you'll be able to run
AL> $ ./configure --with-frontend='qt xforms'
AL> to generate executables lyx-qt and lyx-xforms.)
AL> Of course, there exist bugs in the Qt frontend that don't exist in the
AL> xforms frontend. And vice-versa. Judging from this mailing list, the
AL> vast majority of users use the Qt frontend, so I'd guess that Qt bugs
AL> will be spotted, and therefore squashed, rapidly. Indeed, if you look
AL> at the status.13x file that is part of each 1.3.x bug-fix release,
AL> you'll find many more Qt fixes than xforms ones. (I guess that's also
AL> symptomatic of newer code.)

I was just looking at http://www.devel.lyx.org/guii.php3 and it seems
there that the xforms interface is more complete. I am pondering whether I
should move from xforms to QT or not. I like xforms better, but if QT is
getting more settings/options/etc then I should probably move to it.

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