Hey Lyx Users,
        I'm trying to get Lyx compiled on Cygwin and noticing these link
errors. Has it got to do anything with the g++ compiler itself. I did post
the message to the cygwin mailing list, but have not got any favorable
response. I'm forwarding the same mail. Any help on this will be extremely
greatful as I'm craving to use lyx again. Please mark a copy of your
responses to me directly as I've not still officially signed up for the lyx
mailing list.



-----Original Message-----
From: koorapati, koundinya 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 1:09 PM
Subject: Problems compiling lyx

Hey Cygwin users,
        I'm having problems compiling lyx using g++ version 3.3.1 (more
specifically during the linking of various objects). I've attached a clip of
the final build log. Please have a look at this. Any help or pointers on
this will be much appreciated at this time as I'm blank on this.



Attachment: lyx_err.log
Description: Binary data

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