I looked at the layout (in /usr/share/lyx/layouts) and found the head of 
"g-brief-de" as follows:

#% Do not delete he line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[g-brief]{letter (g-brief, german)}
# Letter textclass definition file.
# Author : Thomas Hartkens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

# Input general definitions
# Input stdletter.inc

Do I need to uncomment the line
# Input stdletter.inc ?

I tried another template (hollywood) but got the same error message.

Is this a debian problem or a configuration problem?
I once set the default text class to a different class than article and maybe 
that's why I have this problem. Is there a way to reset all default values 
concerning textclasses?

Thanks for your help

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