Hi, I upgraded lyx 1.2 to lyx 1.3.1 for our department yesterday and I already got angry emails claiming lyx 1.3 is worse than 1.2, because users get compile errors when they input symbols inside text mode (as they did in lyx1.2).
I have discussed this problem before and totally agree with Andre's argument about the change (no guessing when user enter symbols inside \text{}). I have sent out an email explaining the change but I am still thinking of a better solution. Can lyx, for example, give a warning for entering symbols inside text mode? The warning message does not have to be fired for every possible wrong input, just to Greek letters and common symbols. I can not fully justify my wish that 'everything user can input (except for plain tex) should not lead to compile error' but warning messages for obvious cases are something we can do to make lyx more user friendly. Thanks. -- Bo Peng