On 10 Dec 2003, Kai Johannes Keller wrote: > > Class prosper Error: unknown Prosper style file: PPRngerman.sty. > so my question is: where do I get this file from (I've already searched
The very first package option is used by prosper as a style mark-up. As your LyX put "german" by default as the first option, prosper looks for the corresponding style file. Try to put "default" as the first word in format->document->"other options" menu (or something like this, my LyX lenues are in french french, sorry) to use the default prosper style. search for "PPR*" files on your disk, and try to use other styles the same way. Should be somewhere as $OneOfYourTexmfPath/tex/latex/prosper. Hope this will help Alain -- ******************************************************************* * Alain Castera * * IPNL - UCB Lyon 1 | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Bat. Paul Dirac | or [EMAIL PROTECTED] * * Campus de la Doua | Telephone : (+33) 472448429 * * F69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX | Fax : (+33) 472448004 * *******************************************************************