Hi,How is this question becoming such a rat-hole?
I submitted this question last week, but didn't get a response. So I'll give it another try.
I have lyx1.3.3 installed on RH7.3
I downloaded the elsart.layout from
and installed it in ~/.lyx/layouts
In the same directory I have elsart.sty, elsart12.sty and elsart.cls that I downloaded from elsevier and amssymb.sty that I downloaded from
I ran lyx->reconfigure.
In the output it says:
+checking for document class elsart [elsart,amssymb.sty]... no
And I don't get a listing in lyx->document->class.
What's wrong?
Thanks, Sander
Don't put it in /usr/share/texmf---that's where Debian officially updates tetex and all the recommended and dependent packages as well for tetex to run. I can't imagine there would be much of a difference with other Linux distros that follow the /usr/share intent.
Create /usr/local/share/texmf Then create tex under texmf Then create latex underneath tex
/usr/local/share/texmf /usr/local/share/texmf/tex /usr/local/share/texmf/latex
Extract your packages under the latex directory:
I have the following packages installed:
algorithms/ epigraph/ IEEEtran/ kom-script/ memoir/ paper/ prettyref/ runic/ svjour/ tugboat/
Read the instructions under each latex package that are separate from the instructions within the LyX ->Customization section, which are on the CTAN tex archive site.
For example: Memoir http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/memoir/?action=/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/
To install the package: o run: latex memoir.ins (which will generate memoir.cls, and a set of mem*.clo files) o run: latex memoir.dtx For an index run: makeindex -s gind.ist memoir o run: latex memoir.dtx o Print memoir.dvi for a hardcopy of the documented code o Move memoir.cls, the mem*.clo files and any mem*.sty file to locations where LaTeX will find them (typically in a local texmf tree at /tex/latex/memoir) and refresh the file database. See the FAQ on CTAN at help/uk-tex-faq or http://www.tug.ac.uk/faq for more information on this.
To process memman.tex o Make sure you can use the memoir class and the alltt, fixltx2e, layouts and url packages. o Run (pdf)latex twice on memman.tex o For an index run: makeindex -s memman.ist memman o Run (pdf)latex twice more on memman.tex o Print the manual
NOTE: you'll find that this process is repeatable with all .ins and .dtx files.
Then apply the texhash command spoken of from within LyX-Customization from Step 5
It will create the following file:
The apply step 6 which states:
6. From within LyX, do: Options>Reconfigure. Restart LyX.
Verify it works by then checking your Help->LaTeX configuration
Of course it will then show up in the Layout->Document->Document Style->Document class list view.
I haven't had one of the packages that LaTeX configuration has support for not work.
The memoir class even has a very recent patch to it which I'll have to check because it does have bugs outside of LyX.