Robert Neumann schrieb: > Am Samstag, 15. November 2003 12:10 schrieb Herbert Voß: > >>Robert Neumann schrieb: >> >>>I am normally using Lyx 1.20, but I'm planing to switch to lyx 1.3.2. >>>When I open a document which was created with lyx 1.20 using fanyhdr I >>>encounter a problem: When I use the pdf preview or export function, the >>>pagenumbers (created with fancyfoot) were gone. If I'm using the dvi >>>preview, everything is ok. Can anybody help me with this problem? >> >>give an minimal example file. >> >>Herbert > > > This is the latex export craeted by by lyx 1.3.2
next time send the LyX file, makes life easier ... Your code is a bit strange, you should read same basic LaTeX documentations.
> \begin{document} > \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2}\small \normalsize\pagestyle{fancy}
do not use baselinestretch, use package setspace or define the spacing from within LyX
> > \fancyhead{} > > \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\slshape Vorwort} > > \fancyfoot[LE,RO]{\thepage} > > \cfoot{}
this is stuff which should completely go into the preamble. Then you have no pagenumbers for dvi and pdf output.