> >> 2. These fonts are deprecated. Use latex-xft-fonts instead.
> >
> > I have tried. With no success.
> Have you tried to ascertain why?

Sorry, I have no idea. My lyx-1.3.3. is now working fine. So I will give it up 
to ascertain the reasons why there are no math-fonts in lyx-1.3.2 under SuSE 
9.0. I have also compiled lyx-1.3.2, but twith the same problems. It seams to 
be a lyx-1.3.2/qt/SuSE 9.0 - problem. 

> Do you have a 'vanilla' suse 8.2 system? I understand that others
> have been having problems with the publicly-available binary
> contributed by Jürgen Spitzmüller, in part because his sytem has some
> non-standard versions of some libraries.

What do you mean with 'vanilla'? I have installed several packages myself. 
Maybe I have some newer libraries than in SuSE 8.2.

> Perhaps you might consider uploading your binary to the lyx ftp site.

Do you mean to build a .rpm packages of lyx-1.3.3 (qt) for SuSE 9.0?

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