> I am writing my thesis at the moment and I need to > have the Abstract, Title page, Lists of Tables and > Figures, etc to be unnumbered. That is I need the > numbering to start at chapter one and have the first > pages numbered i,ii,iii,iv etc. How do I do this?
Put (in ERT): \renewcommand\thepage{\roman{page}} \setcounter{page}{1} where you want to start with the roman numbering (e.g. right before the toc), and \renewcommand\thepage{\arabic{page}} \setcounter{page}{1} where you want to start the arabic numbering. If you use \begin{titlepage} ...stuff on your titlepage... \end{titlepage} the titlepage has no page number. I don't know if this works for all document classes, though. I use report (koma-script) for my thesis. > Also what is a good bibtex style that doesnt display > titles of the references and is unsorted? There should be something like unsrt.bst, but you can also create your own bibtex style with latex makebst. Good luck! Jeannette