On Wed, 22 Oct 2003, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   If LyX was to be more widely adopted in the business world (and a
> colleague out here would like to see it replace Microsoft Word in offices),
> then it would be worth considering allowing the user to enter the signature
> and closing in "traditional" order and handle any requisite switching in the
> background.

I am not sure it is so easy to be done by LyX itself, but I obtained the 
expected effect with a lot of latex in the layout file . I didn't check 
for the usual "letter" class (I'm using the class "lettre" from D. 
Megevand, and posted an incomplete layout file for it long time ago), but 
I guess it could be done the same way. 

Basically, define in the preambule a new latex function for each layout, 
which stores the value. Then define a new latex function which use this 
values as argument to the "real" functions of the class, in the required 
order, and assigned it to a new empty layout which acts as a marker for 
the end of the message.

Have fun


 *        Alain Castera                                            *
 * IPNL - UCB Lyon 1             | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
 * Bat. Paul Dirac               |      or        [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
 * Campus de la Doua             | Telephone :     (+33) 472448429 *
 * F69622 Villeurbanne CEDEX     | Fax :           (+33) 472448004 *

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