
Can help with some of this.

After inserting the toc try these erts:

So far I've only managed to alter which pages are numbered in the class file 
I'm using.

As for underlining in the toc, no idea I'm afraid.

Hope this helps

On Thursday, 16 October 2003 00:22, Bradley Navarro wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having two problems and cannot find solutions to them:
> 1) I need the first page of the TOC to not show a page number, but the
> counter started at number vi. But I need the second page of the TOC to
> show the next page number. So for example my TOC begins on page vi and
> the second page is on page vii. But I don't want the first page to show
> the page number.
> 2) I have my sections underlined. Upon completing this task, I found
> that the TOC also underlines the sections, when what I need is for them
> not to be underlined in the TOC.
> For reference I am using the report class in lyx 1.3.3.
> Any help would be much appreciated.
> Brad

Gordon Wells
Department of Biochemistry
University of Pretoria

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