I built LyX 1.3.3 against the latest unstable Debs as well as against my own optimized configure and compiles resulting in the exact same errors.

It rules out me misconfiguring Qt for Debian--which is good so now I can custom compile KDE3.2 CVS for Pentium 3.

What I have discovered is that all but 2 Qt based Panes/Panels/Views launch when running

lyx -dbg gui.

The SpellChecker launches the following error:

Can't open /usr/lib/ispell/english.hash.

The discovery for this error is that english.hash does not exist. doh!

I've got american.hash and british.hash which of course we know are two different forms of english!

Perhaps that is an error on LyX dev's part by not accounting for the differing types of ispell english systems?

Ironically, when running LyX 1.3.2 I notice the Spellchecker Preference also has English listed but since there is not "English" option I'd expect it to need to be fixed as well.

I'm guessing ispell when I updated split the two languages and didn't offer some sort of place holder for English.hash.

Now to fix this in LyX 1.3.3 I hoped to launch Preferences and this is where I get the infamous QWidget error concerning repaint().

It's my contention that a certain method using repaint() within the Preferences Panel violates the Qt method for such and thus craps out.

I'm not a C++ coder so I'm not about to guess what if at all is wrong.

Here is the dbg gui last bits from attempting to launch the Spellchecker view to my failed attempt to launch the Preferences view.

Menu warning: menu entry "Flalign Environment" does not contain shortcut `f'
Label: Undo Shortcut: U Accel: [C-z]
Label: Redo Shortcut: d Accel: [S-C-Z]
Label: Cut Shortcut: C Accel: [C-x] [S-Delete]
Label: Copy Shortcut: o Accel: [C-c] [C-Insert]
Label: Paste Shortcut: a Accel: [C-v] [S-Insert]
Label: Paste External Selection Shortcut: x
Label: as Lines Shortcut: L Accel:
Label: as Paragraphs Shortcut: P Accel:
Label: Find & Replace... Shortcut: F Accel: [C-f]
Label: Tabular Shortcut: T
Label: Multicolumn Shortcut: M Accel:
Label: Line Top Shortcut: T Accel:
Label: Line Bottom Shortcut: B Accel:
Label: Line Left Shortcut: L Accel:
Label: Line Right Shortcut: R Accel:
Label: Align Left Shortcut: e Accel: [M-m c l]
Label: Align Center Shortcut: C Accel: [M-m c m]
Label: Align Right Shortcut: i Accel: [M-m c r]
Label: V.Align Top Shortcut: o Accel: [M-m w t]
Label: V.Align Center Shortcut: n Accel: [M-m w m]
Label: V.Align Bottom Shortcut: V Accel: [M-m w b]
Label: Add Row Shortcut: A Accel: [M-m w i]
Label: Delete Row Shortcut: w Accel: [M-m w d]
Label: Add Column Shortcut: u Accel: [M-m c i]
Label: Delete Column Shortcut: D Accel: [M-m c d]
Label: Math Shortcut: M
Label: Toggle Numbering Shortcut: N Accel: [M-m n]
Label: Toggle Numbering of Line Shortcut: u Accel: [M-m S-N]
Label: Change Limits Type Shortcut: L
Label: Default Shortcut: t Accel: [M-m S-L space]
Label: Display Shortcut: D Accel: [M-m S-L l]
Label: Inline Shortcut: I Accel: [M-m S-L n]
Label: Change Formula Type Shortcut: F
Label: Inline Formula Shortcut: I Accel: [M-m t i]
Label: Displayed Formula Shortcut: D Accel: [M-m t d]
Label: Eqnarray Environment Shortcut: q Accel: [M-m t e]
Label: Align Environment Shortcut: A Accel: [M-m t a]
Label: Use Computer Algebra System Shortcut: S
Label: Alignment Shortcut: A
Label: Align Left Shortcut: L Accel: [M-m c l]
Label: Align Center Shortcut: C Accel: [M-m c m]
Label: Align Right Shortcut: R Accel: [M-m c r]
Label: V.Align Top Shortcut: T Accel: [M-m w t]
Label: V.Align Center Shortcut: e Accel: [M-m w m]
Label: V.Align Bottom Shortcut: B Accel: [M-m w b]
Label: Add Row Shortcut: R Accel: [M-m w i]
Label: Delete Row Shortcut: D Accel: [M-m w d]
Label: Add Column Shortcut: C Accel: [M-m c i]
Label: Delete Column Shortcut: e Accel: [M-m c d]
Label: Spellchecker... Shortcut: S Accel: [F7]
Label: Check TeX Shortcut: h Accel:
Label: Remove All Error Boxes Shortcut: E Accel:
Label: Open/Close float Shortcut: l Accel: [C-i]
Label: Preferences... Shortcut: P Accel:
Label: Reconfigure Shortcut: R Accel:
repainting 0,0 674,402
repainting 409,202 1,21
repainting 409,202 1,21
repainting 409,202 1,21
repainting 409,202 1,21
repainting 409,202 1,21
repainting 409,202 1,21
repainting 409,202 1,21
repainting 0,0 674,402
repainting 37,0 272,402
repainting 0,0 674,402
Setting controller ro: 0
Transition from state 0 to state 0 after input 8
Calling BC refresh()
./lyx: relocation error: ./lyx: undefined symbol: _ZN7QWidget7repaintEb

Perhaps this is partly the reason that Debian has yet to update their Debs?

-Marc J. Driftmeyer

P.S. From what I could tell just briefly was the response times were indeed snappier in 1.3.3 than 1.3.2, when it doesn't crash.

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