At 09:20 29.09.2003 +0200, Herbert Voss wrote:

> Reviews: [45, 47, 57, 58, 64, 65, 66, 74, 81, 82, 89, 93, 100, 101, 103,
> 104, 114, 115,
> 116, 117, 122, 5, 51]
> Is there a way to sort these hints to the literature automatically
> ascending (Lyx 1.3.2 for Qt)?

\usepackage{cite} if these numbers are from the bibliography

Herbert, Jürgen,

these numbers are from the bibliography, typically looking like these from the tex-file, see below.
My problem is, that \usepackage{cite} only results in a lot of question marks instead of correctly sorted numbers. Any idea?



\bibitem{Aalen dependent survival}Aalen O. O., Bjertness E., Soonju T.: Analysis of dependent survival
data applied to lifetimes of amalgam fillings. Stat. Med. \underbar{14},
1819-29 (1995), Abstract: \url{}
\bibitem{Altman Goodman 1994}Altman D. G., Goodman, S. N.: Transfer of Technology From Statistical
Journals to the Biomedical Literature. Past Trends and Future Predictions.
JAMA \underbar{272}, 129-132 (1994). Zitiert nach der Veröffentlichung
im Web: \url{}
\bibitem{Antes G persönliche M}Antes G.: Email vom 1. September 2003

or package texsort.sty (sttools), if it is a numerical list.


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