One page, couldn't make it much shoter than that. I also attached an example bib file with just the bib entries used in the example.
So in this particular example, what I am saying would come down to the body of the article being in the left column and the bibliography being in the right column, since they are about the same length. As it is right now both the text and the bibliography are each split evenly between the columns. Document type is Revtex 4, duplex, English language, bib style is unsrt. Alex. Le Jeudi 25 Septembre 2003 05:19, Matej Cepl a écrit : > On 2003-09-24, 16:45 GMT, Alexandru Cabuz wrote: > > I am writing an article in two column format. What latex seems to do, is > > that it evens up the body of the article in the two columns real nice, > > then it draws a cool horizontal line, and then adds the bilbiography as > > if it was a totally different thing. > > > > What I want to do is for the bilbiography to be considered as a part of > > the article, and for latex to even out the columns only at the very end. > > Could you please send _a short_ example file? > > Matej
#LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info see \lyxformat 221 \textclass revtex4 \begin_preamble \usepackage{indentfirst} \end_preamble \language american \inputencoding auto \fontscheme default \graphics default \paperfontsize default \spacing single \papersize Default \paperpackage a4 \use_geometry 0 \use_amsmath 0 \use_natbib 0 \use_numerical_citations 0 \paperorientation portrait \secnumdepth 3 \tocdepth 3 \paragraph_separation indent \defskip medskip \quotes_language english \quotes_times 2 \papercolumns 2 \papersides 2 \paperpagestyle default \layout Title Title of the article \layout Author John Doe \layout Affiliation Institute for the study of the parallel nature of train tracks, Moronsburg Ohio USA \layout Abstract eknerrg z jjnsdv sdklvn sfdv nsdvk sdvsdknvdkkn ksdnv lknsd lklkdvieryuzgv auzbr mjqrlgk bAEZRUZEZ_È' ZR UHZEF IUSDCVIJ ZEZEF JKDJ_E_'_TÈ'V U UE IU RIU R E \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset KJEZF EZDF UH SQSIUQS DZZAEIF EIZU XKJXWCJDZsdfkjh zezeiue cdu' \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset éçà \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset é hfezze ze zefh ezdfhzeifc zefoi aezz cif oiezeruiàçzçr_teriuh gijsjdi hziuzerui \begin_inset Quotes erd \end_inset aà$$*mssddl&çr_' iz ouizef ofeihzoidhf \layout Standard LOS ANGELES, Sept. 24 . If Hollywood executives have learned anything watching their peers in the music business grapple with online file sharing, it is how not to handle a technological revolution. \layout Standard While the major labels in the music industry squabbled among themselves about how best to deal with Internet piracy and failed to develop consumer-frie ndly ways to buy music online, the movie industry has gone on a coordinated offensive to thwart the free downloading of films \begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{Chow2000,Xie2002} \end_inset before it spins out of control. \layout Standard This summer, night-vision goggles became a familiar fashion accessory for security guards at movie premieres as they searched for people in the audience carrying banned video recorders. The industry's trade association began a nationwide piracy awareness campaign in movie theaters and on television. Studios are aggressively putting electronic watermarks on movie prints so they can determine who is abetting the file sharing. And some \begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{Araki2001,Armitage1997,Zimmermann1999} \end_inset movie executives are considering whether to send out early DVD's to Academy Award voters, fearing the films will be distributed online. \layout Standard Also, as early as next month the industry will begin promoting a "stealing is bad" message in schools, teaming up with Junior Achievement on an hourlong class for fifth through ninth graders on the history of copyright law and the evils of online file sharing. The effort \begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{Polman2001} \end_inset includes games like Starving Artist, in which students pretend to be musicians whose work is downloaded free from the Internet, and a crossword puzzle called Surfing for Trouble. \layout Standard "There is no issue in my life I take as seriously as this," said Peter Chernin, president \begin_inset LatexCommand \cite{Smith1998} \end_inset and chief operating officer of the News Corporation, which owns 20th Century Fox. "This is going to be with us for the rest of our careers. But if we remain focused on it, maybe it won't kill us and we won't have to panic." \layout Standard \begin_inset LatexCommand \BibTeX[unsrt]{/home/cabuz/lyx-1.3.2/biblioexample} \end_inset \the_end
@ARTICLE{Chow2000, AUTHOR="E. Chow and S.Y. Lin and S.G. Johnson and P.R. Villeneuve and J.D. Joannopoulos and J.R. Wendt and G.A. Vawter and W. Zubrzycki and H. Hou and A. Alleman", YEAR="2000", TITLE="Three-dimensional control of light in a two-dimensional photonic crystal slab", JOURNAL="Nature", VOLUME="407", PAGES="983-986"} @ARTICLE{Xie2002, AUTHOR="Y.B. Xie and C.W. Yuan", YEAR="2002", TITLE="Calculation method of quantum efficiency to TiO2 nanocrystal photocatalysis reaction", JOURNAL="Journal of Environmental Sciences China", VOLUME="14", PAGES="70-75"} @ARTICLE{Araki2001, AUTHOR="S. Araki and N. Henmi and Y. Maeno and K. Matsuda and O. Nakakubo and M. Shinohara and Y. Suemura and A. Tajima and H. Takahashi and S. Takahashi and H. Koganemaru and K. Saisho", YEAR="2001", TITLE="Photonic core node based on a 2.56-Terabit/s opto-electronic switching fabric", JOURNAL="Ieice Transactions On Electronics", VOLUME="E84C", PAGES="485-492"} @INBOOK{Armitage1997, AUTHOR="J. Armitage and O. Crochat and J.Y. Le Boudec", YEAR="1997", TITLE="Design of a survivable WDM photonic network", PAGES="3 vol. xxvi+1429", PUBLISHER="Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM '97. The Conference on Computer Communications. Sixteenth Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies. Driving the Information Revolution (Cat. No.97CB36034). IEEE Comput. Soc. Press Los Alamitos CA USA", ADDRESS="Design of a survivable WDM photonic network"} @ARTICLE{Zimmermann1999, AUTHOR="S. Zimmermann and A. Wixforth and J.P. Kotthaus and W. Wegscheider and M. Bichler", YEAR="1999", TITLE="A semiconductor-based photonic memory cell", JOURNAL="Science", VOLUME="283", PAGES="1292-5"} @ARTICLE{Polman2001, AUTHOR="A. Polman and P. Wiltzius", YEAR="2001", TITLE="Materials science aspects of photonic crystals", JOURNAL="Mrs Bulletin", VOLUME="26", PAGES="608-610"} @INBOOK{Smith1998, AUTHOR="C.J.M. Smith and L. Hobbs and T.F. Krauss and R.M. De La Rue and M.D. Dawson", YEAR="1998", TITLE="1 mu m-scale oxide/semiconductor photonic lattice fabrication by wet oxidation methods", PAGES="2 vol.(xvi+48+xviii+449)", PUBLISHER="Conference Proceedings. LEOS'98. 11th Annual Meeting. IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1998 Annual Meeting (Cat. No.98CH36243). IEEE Piscataway NJ USA", ADDRESS="1 mu m-scale oxide/semiconductor photonic lattice fabrication by wet oxidation methods"}