On Wed, Sep 17, 2003 at 01:42:10PM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   I'm brand new to Xfig and I'm trying to draw xspline curves quickly and
> accurately. I'm slowly getting the idea, but now and then I get a little
> zig-zag in the line between nodes and I have no idea how to remove that and
> make the line smooth. The edit box has only the nodes (where I clicked the
> left trackball button) and, as far as I can see, no way to edit the line
> itself.
>   Can someone with more experience help me learn?

xfig implemented a quite nice spline model known as X-Splines, that
makes providing a nice UI for editing splines dead easy, then completely
futzed up the interface. Oh well.

Create your spline. Then select "Edit" in the left panel. Now click on a
point with the right mouse button. This brings up a dialog where you get
a slider to alter the approach of the line to the control point.

My old project (I wouldn't recommend using it btw) had a much nicer way
of handling x splines: create the spline, select it with the main
editing tool, press space to edit points,  then hold down control and
click-drag on a point to edit the value of the point. When I wrote that,
xfig didn't even have a slider, you had to type a value from -1.0 to +1.0

http://figurine.sf.net/ if you're bored :)


Khendon's Law:
If the same point is made twice by the same person, the thread is over.

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