Well, ... looking again at the manual and experimenting taught me how to
straighten out the zig-zag in my line. For the benefit of those who peruse
the archive to see closure of this thread I'll post my solution here.

  First, turn on the grid.

  Second, zoom in very close (shift-Z).

  Third, use the 'add node', 'move node' and 'split curve' functions (marked
on the widgets, unlike tgif) to get rid of the ziggies. Trial-and-error (at
my level of inexperience) got it done.

  It does not look perfect (but it may when scaled down and inserted into
the LyX document), but it works!

  Whew! :-)

  I now return you to your regularly scheduled life.


Dr. Richard B. Shepard, President

                       Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)
            2404 SW 22nd Street | Troutdale, OR 97060-1247 | U.S.A.
 + 1 503-667-4517 (voice) | + 1 503-667-8863 (fax) | rshepard@appl-ecosys.com

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