has someone an idea what is wrong with this footnote? After introducing it, Lyx converts without error message, but the PDF-File cannot be openend in Acrobat (pdflatex will not result in any PDF-File, dvipdfm will produce half of the PDF-File). It has something to do with the URL, if I shorten it, footnote will work. But my other long URLs in footnotes all work...
1. do not replay to an existing message and change the header. 2. send _minimal_ testfiles. A footnote has nothing to do with counter settings, a.s.o
\begin_inset LatexCommand \htmlurl{http://www.nordiskadental.se/psds/english/021031/ANA%2070%20DUETT.pdf}
- this is a html-url, makes only sense for the html export. read the docs, if you do not know what this means. - you should remember that some special characters may cause problems inside urls, just as %. Write \% and all should work