On Tuesday 09 September 2003 9:17 am, Andrew Criswell wrote:
> Hello All:
> I was able to successfully install and use lyx 1.3.1 on Mandrake 9.0 using
> the command,
> rpm -ivh --nodeps lyx-1.3.1-1mdk9-qt.i586.rpm
> However, if I try to install lyx 1.3.2 using the command
> rpm -ivh --nodeps lyx-1.3.2-1mdk91-qt.i586.rpm
> it seems to go smoothly but when I attempt to open the progam, i get a
> complaint,

I'm not an expert but I think it only goes smoothly because you used --nodeps 
... if you don't I suspect you'll have lots of dependencies which aren;t 
fulfilled. nodeps is very dangerous.

I think you're trying to use a version for mandrake 9.1 on a mandrake 9.0 
machine, and that the compilers and libraries are incompatible.

Your options are 

- move to mandrake 9.1 (it's much nicer than 9.0, but that's lots of work).
- compile lyx for mandrake 9.0 (this probably sounds a nightmare but is not 
too bad - I expect there are instructions on www.lyx.org)
- try and find lyx-13.2 rpms for mdk9.0 (I had a quick look but couldn't see 

Good luck (and never, ever use rpm with nodeps unless you really know what 
you're doing!)


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