Kayvan A. Sylvan wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 01:24:46PM +0100, Rob Saunders wrote:
>> This appears to be a problem, at least with my set ups, in the win32(XP
>> pro)  Qt version as well.  In the same manner as original problem I
>> cannot convert .bmp to .eps without Lyx running the convertDefault.sh
>> even though .bmp view well in the gui - So I have given up trying! Now I
>> just use eps pics only and put up with not being able to view them in
>> the gui without "error converting to loadable format" etc.
>> At least all is well in the final output pdf or dvi which is all that
>> matters to me.
>> Rob S
> Yeah... You know, this used to work correctly in Cygwin too. Now it always
> gives that message ("error converting to loadable format") even though
> I have all the needed tools installed.
> Any ideas on how we can fix this?

Does the patch fix it 

Guess not actually, sice the patch deals with conversion to a format for 
export rather than for on-screen viewing.

What does the debug output tell you? (lyx -dbg graphics)

What happens if you define a converter explicitly. Eg

\converter "eps" "png" "my_ps2png $$i $$o" ""
\converter "eps" "ppm" "my_ps2ppm $$i $$o" ""
\converter "png" "eps" "convert PNG:$$i EPS:$$o" ""


Attachment: my_ps2png
Description: application/shellscript

Attachment: my_ps2ppm
Description: application/shellscript

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