On Mon, Aug 25, 2003 at 10:21:24AM -0700, James Frye wrote:
> If spam - even spam without worms & viruses - is getting spread by
> the list server, it's far more likely to get read by people who see
> "Lyx" in the title, and so think it's good stuff. 

Since so many seem confused by these things, forgive me for an off-
topic post.  It's very, very unlikely any of these things are being
distributed by this list server.

The recent worm/virus emails all forge their return address, using
addresses randomly found on the victim's computer.  So, if you get
a virus "sent from" the LyX list, it's because it was a forgery.
It simply means that the victim had once upon a time received mail
from the list, or was Cc'd, etc., as well as mail from you.  

To determine the actual sender (or at least their network) you need
to examine the email's Received: headers, and look up the owner of
the IP address in the topmost line. 

Some of us have been getting hundreds of these emails a day,
apparently from all over the world.  But when you examine those
IP numbers, it quickly becomes apparent that it's really only a
relative handful of computers doing the sending.

Hope that helps,


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