Thanks for you quick answer! But the problem persists after I tried
as you said. :-( Maybe I've done something wrong... Here is what I

    I use acroread to view my pdf files, and I set the "weblink" opener
to be konqueror in acroread. I set the link to be "file:file.pdf" but
it still doesn't work, the browser is looking for things like 
www.file:file.pdf. After reading RFC 1808, I guess the problem is that
no base URL has been set, thus the browser set it to / and then couldn't
find the file. But I can't figure out how to do it with a pdf file 
generated by pdf latex. :-(
    I tried setting the weblink opener to be lynx but it still doesn't 
work. According to lynx help, I think it's treating the file name as
a ftp web address. :-( I created a test.html and tried typing "lynx 
file:test.html" in the command line and it didn't work either. :-(
    The best I can get now is that I can use "~" to represent my home
directory in konqueror and thus at least the links are immune from
changes the system administrator may make in the future. 

    Did I miss any point in my above operations? Or I have to stay with
the rather unsatisfactory partial solution? I'll be very grateful if
you can shed light on me again!

Thanks a lot!

Xinwei Yu

On Sat, 9 Aug 2003, Matej Cepl wrote:

> On 2003-08-09, 04:42 GMT, Xinwei Yu wrote:
> > Hi, all,
> Sorry, for answering too fast without investigating the issue somehow.
> >     I try to put in my pdf notes (generated by LyX) some hyperlinks
> > to other pdf papers in the same directory. So I just use the
> > hyperref package and then use the Insert->URL function. I put, e.g.,
> > 
> > file://file.pdf in URL and filename in NAME
> Well, this is certainly not the correct URL -- see RFC1808. The correct
> one is file:file.pdf (// introduces the network part).
> > 1. both "filename" and "file://file.pdf" is shown in my pdf file,
> >     and only the latter is made a hyperlink. Checking the "HTML type"
> >     box didn't change anything.
> Actually, I have fought with this ``feature'' for years and I have no
> answer to that. However, the one to blame (and report bug to -- which
> I never did, shame on me!) is the author/maintainer of hyperref LaTeX
> package.
> > 2. when I click the link, it doesn't work, said the file couldn't
> >     be found. So the pdf hyperlink won't work with relative path?
> >     that would be very disappointing!
> This is IMHO bug in Mozilla (which you use as urlCommand in your
> ~/.xpdfrc, don't you?). See above for the reference to RFC. For example,
> lynx behaves with file:newfile1.pdf correctly.
> > 3. I changed the path to the absolute one,i.e., 
> >     file:///home/blah/blah/file.pdf,
> >     the link worked on that particular machine. But when I access
> >     my file remotely ( invoking acroread via ssh ), the link again
> >     wouldn't work. :-(
> Actually, this one really shouldn't work -- // introduces network
> stanza, which in some browsers defaults to localhost when empty. So, you
> were running actually file://localhost/home/blah/blah/file.pdf, which is
> not what you want (or is it?).
>    Matej

-- In Xanadu did Kubla Khan... --

Xinwei Yu

Caltech 217-50, Pasadena, CA91125
1-626-5359618(H), 1-626-3954545(O)

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