Herbert Voß wrote:

> Angus Leeming schrieb:
>> In the preamble:
>> \newfont{\TitleFont}{cmss12 scaled 6000}
>> \newfont{\SubTitleSS}{cmss12 scaled 4000}
>> \newfont{\SubSubTitleSS}{cmss12 scaled 3000}
>> \newfont{\SubTitleTT}{cmtt12 scaled 3000}
>> In the document:
>> (Title environment)     ERT[\TitleFont]The title
>> (Standard envionment)   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> changing the fontsize should always be done inside
> a group.
> (Title environment)     ERT[{\TitleFont]The title ERT[}]
> (Standard envionment)   [EMAIL PROTECTED] ERT[}]

Yes, I can see that that is a good thing. However, I notice that I 
didn't _need_ to enclose the text in such a way.

I did, however, need to define an xstruct macro if the enlarged font 
spanned more than one line:

\setlength{\myVSpace}{2ex}% the default

(Title environment)     
ERT[{\TitleFont \xstruc]The title spanning a 
couple of linesERT[}]


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