I am currently trying to get an overview of the integration between BibTex and LyX. Where can I find alternative styles for BiBTex in Lyx?
LyX will detect any BibTeX styles you have installed. If you want more, just download them from CTAN and don't forget
1. to run texhash after you copy them to the appropriate directory;
2. that sometimes you will need to add a line to your preamble to get the package to work properly.
Incidentally, I recommend the Jurabib package, which I recently used to write a course book using Chicago format. It takes a while to work through the documentation, but once you get the hang of it, it's amazingly powerful.
"There are other rules, but you'll find out what those are when you break them."
- Blake's 7
Robin Turner IDMYO Bilkent Univeritesi Ankara 06533 Turkey