upside down when i export to postcript even when i remove the "-swap" from "gv -swap." the pdf looks ok when i read/print from acroread. any ideas?
Raphael Clifford wrote:
Olivas, Alexander Raymond wrote:
Hmmm... All I can see from those examples is that the landscape is upside down. As you are using pdf and not postscript my suggestions may not have been's an example of the problem i'm having...
i also don't have an edit->preferences->file.
i do have an edit->preferences->look&feel,lang opts,conversion,inputs, and outputs.
we're probably using different versions? yes, you're using 1.3.2 and i'm using 1.2.3. i still didn't find any reference to gv or swap.
thanks, alex
-----Original Message----- From: Raphael Clifford To: Olivas, Alexander Raymond Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Sent: 7/8/2003 2:30 AM Subject: Re: slides and landscape
Olivas, Alexander Raymond wrote:
i'm using the slides style in lyx 1.2.3 and would like them to come out in landscape. when i select Layout->Document->Paper-> Landscape it cuts off most of the slide and prints it upside down. is there a better way todo this? thanks, alex.
When you say it cuts off most of the slide do you mean it cuts off roughly the right-most third? If so this is because of the "-t a4" option that lyx sticks in when called dvips. Someone has claimed that gs versions from 6.53 onwards don't have this problem but I am unable to
test this. (I am running redhat 7.3 and it appears to be almost impossible to upgrade ghostscript on it.) I simply have to export as latex and run dvips manually at the moment :(
The upside down problem is caused by lyx sticking "-swap" in the options
for gv. This can be fixed in edit->preferences->file formats->postscript->viewer where it should say "gv -swap" at the moment. Just change that to "gv".
P.S. I am using lyx 1.3.2 but seem to have had the same problems.
If you have time/energy you could upgrade to 1.3.2 and then it would be easier for me/us to help you.
Cheers, Raphael