Thanks, but can this be automatic? Can this be done through working directory 

On Monday 30 June 2003 20:55, Rafael Ángel García Garaluz wrote:
> Guanglei Cui wrote:
> >Dear Lyx users,
> >    I have a rather newbie questions. Is it possible to use relative path
> > for inserted graphics files? It seems it's always the full path name is
> > used in lyx files, which is not quite convenient in some cases.
> >
> >Regards,
> Of course you can. The only thing you have to do is to delete the full
> path to the graphics file after you pick it.
> For example, if your document is in the path /home/pp/document.lyx and
> your graphics file is /home/pp/files/gg.eps, after the file is inserted,
> you have to delete the string "/home/pp/". Then, the file entry will
> only be "files/gg.eps", the relative path.
> I wish it help you.
> Regards, Rafa.

Guanglei Cui
Dept. of Chemistry
SUNY at Stony Brook
Stony Brook, NY 11790

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