On Fri, Jun 20, 2003 at 09:10:23AM -0700, woodbd wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is a way to reverse this process (I mean 
> *besides* C-z...)  There are times that I would really like to see the 
> raw LaTeX again (for instance, if there is a hidden error in my 
> equation, or for doing something that is not obvious to me in Lyx).  I 
> often export the LaTeX file, open that, and copy and paste back into 
> Lyx (after changes...), but that is quite a lengthy process...

Mark the whole equation and press C-l to convert it to a 'plain LaTeX'


Those who desire to give up Freedom in order to gain Security, will not have,
nor do they deserve, either one.     (T. Jefferson or B. Franklin or both...)

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