> > 
> > 1.- An integration of most of the "tips and tricks" listed on the
> > website. Since someone has gone to the trouble of listing them,.
> > they must be being used. therefore, why not include them in the lyx
> > program,
> You seem to have a fundamental misconception of how Open Source
> software develops. It develops because people are willing to put in
> the time and effort to do it _in their spare time_. None of the LyX
> developers are paid to develop LyX, so there is only so much that they
> can physically do.
I know that, but unless someone tells developers that there are at least
a few users out there who want this, it'll never get coded in now will
it? Also, presumably the thing which drives these developers to develop
lyx is to see it become popular? Surely then, if enough users are
getting stuck at the same point, eventually one of the developers will
fix it?

> That is exactly why LyX was designed to allow the user to input the
> raw LaTeX. People like Herbert, who know LaTeX inside out, have
> provided a collection of magic so that the final output is
> indistiguishable to that which would be produced were their native LyX
> support for that feature. The two approaches (native LyX support and
> ability to input LaTeX) are orthogonal and complimentary. 
and what if it doesn't work (for whatever reason)? hen the user has to
debug twice as many things. they have to look at their latex code, at
the latex installation on the system, and at the lyx package itself. It
just seemed easier to integrate them all in one, especially as someone
has already worked out how you can do it individually, it can't be too
difficult to integrate it.

> The moral? If you want something badly enough, then code it up or pay 
> someone to do it for you.
Or do neither of the above, and use the other software package which
does what you're looking for. Chances are, if you've found a flaw in a
program, so have others. 


Thomi Richards,

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