I have a couple of questions:
1) How do I change the page numbering style for my report?
        I want the first few pages before the Abstract (List of Abbreviations, 
Materials and Methods etc.) to have page numbers in Roman Numerals (I II III 
etc.). The page numbering style of the rest of the document as in table of 
contents is OK in arabic numerals. By default both parts (before and after 
the abstract) have numbering in arabic numerals.

2) How do I get a list of tables in the following format:- 
                List of Tables

Table 1.1
Table 1.2

Table 2.1
Table 2.2
Table 2.3

etc.. ?
I want to have the word 'Table' before the numbers to repeat.
These two changes have been requested by the faculty, but I don't know how to 
get them.  

R. S. Vinekar

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