>>>>> "Joel" == Joel Uckelman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Joel> Adding /usr/share/lyx/xfonts/ to the font path. xset: bad font
Joel> path element (#72), possible causes are: Directory does not
Joel> exist or has wrong permissions Directory missing fonts.dir
Joel> Incorrect font server address or syntax Unable to add font path.

Joel> I don't know what to make of this, since /usr/share/lyx/xfonts
Joel> exists, contains a bunch of links to fonts elsewhere for which I
Joel> do in fact have read permission, there's a fonts.dir there, and
Joel> my font server seems to be working properly otherwise.

Does your font server have access to /usr/share/lyx/xfonts? Under afs
here, the user root, which is not an authenticated afs user does not
have read access to users afs volumes by defaults and I have to set
acls explicitly. 


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