It turned out to be easy to use LyX for bridge articles. All I had to do was put 6 LaTeX statements into the preamble: 1. 4 \renewcommands for the suits of the form: \renewcommand{\c}{\(\clubsuit\)}
2. A savebox called \NESW to draw the frame around the player positions N E S W 3. A \newcommand{\hand}[4] to create a minipage with the 4 args (of the form: AKQ53 ) with their suit symbols Then in the lyx doc, all you have to do is create tables and populate the appopriate cells with ERT. e.g \hand{AKQ53,AK3,64,642} and put \NESW in the middle. It is brilliant and easy! Now if only I could get pdfscreen to work with LyX! John O'Gorman