On Tue, 3 Jun 2003 20:11:21 +0200
Alexandru Cabuz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> hello,
> when I have one of those floatflt figures, the ones where text is supposed to 
> wrap around them, right at the end of the document, just before the bibtex 
> bibliography, the figure ends up getting laid out ON TOP of the bibliography, 
> on the bibliography page. Very strange sight. It seems it's even trying to 
> wrap the bibliography around the picture, but it only gets to move the title, 
> the word Bibliography, and then everything goes to hell. 
> It's especially strange since I have a page break right before the 
> bibliography so it should be on its own page no matter what.
> The extended features doc DID say that the package was kinda fragile though, 
> so, I guess I shoulda seen it comin'. But if someone knows a way around this 
> that is not a huge pain with writing tons of weird LaTeX code and exporting 
> to and fro... then don't be shy.
> Alex

In fact I don't use that floatflt, but you could try the
LaTeX command. It inserts a page break, but it also forces all the floats up to
that point to be displayed. (LyX just inserts a \newpage command)



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