Andre Poenitz wrote:
Matrices seem to allow highlighting the whole solid block, but multiline equations do not.

The problem with a matrix is that I have fractional expressions in my equation, and in matrix mode the fractional expressions get typeset in a smaller font.

That's, again, standard LaTeX behviour. You can override that by
explicitly saying \displaysize in the cells.

Hi Andre, thanks for the input.

Is it possible to use \displaysize in LyX? I have tried putting this evil red text into the cell of a matrix containing a fractional expression, but it leads to an error.

What is the correct way to do this?

How can I write a multiline equation with a delimiter that expands around the whole equation (vertically), without using the matrix mode?

No way

Well, if I can get it to work in an array, that would be fine. I just want the normal size for my fractional expressions.

Good day!

-- ____________________________________ Christopher R. Carlen Principal Laser/Optical Technologist Sandia National Laboratories CA USA [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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